Magnet Designation -Nursing

Assignment 1: Impact of the Forces of Magnetism on Nursing Practice Description: This assignment provides you with an opportunity to discuss with your classmates your understanding and opinion of the value of the Magnet Program. The discussion question guides you to identify what you know about the Magnet Program, explore its value, and why you believe it is valuable or not to nursing practice as well as how you see it impacting your practice. Tasks: In a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document and online discussion, explore the impact the Forces of Magnetism has on nursing practice in Magnet-designated organizations. Do you believe Magnet designation is beneficial to nursing practice? Be sure to address: Benefits of designation Forces of Magnetism The Force of Magnetism you consider most beneficial and why Impact the Magnet Program has on your nursing practice regardless of whether you practice at a Magnet-designated organization or not