When looking at complexity in policy-making, chapter 4 has provided an illustration to offer insights to future business leaders to understand that, despite the inherent unpredictability of environments, organisms survive and develop intricate webs of interdependence in terms of their ecologies due to the adaptive capacities of organisms that allow them to self-organize.
Chapter 4: Q1: According to the author’s assessment, what’s the importance of this scenario to the policy-making process? Briefly explain.
Identify the importance of that scenario
provide a short and clear narrative to support your response above
Chapter 5, Figure 5.1 is an illustration of the future state of practice of systems modeling and simulation. With this mind, the adoption of recent, current and expected innovations could result in the future of the art of systems modeling. From this illustration, we have learned that it would be possible to simultaneously use multiple hypotheses to achieve different goals that could include the search for deeper understanding and policy insights, experimentations in virtual laboratories, future oriented-explorations, robust policy design, and robustness testing under deep uncertainty.
Q1: From the assessment by the authors, what are the main advantages of using multiple models? Briefly explain.
Identify and name the advantages of using multiple models
provide a short and clear narrative to support your responses