In qualitative and quantitative studies, sampling refers to selecting a particular sample of individuals from a larger population. This process is often called participant selection. Qualitative research collects rich data from fewer sources, while quantitative research attempts to collect a larger, more representative sample from the population as a whole. Selection criteria for eligibility in a study is similar for both quantitative and qualitative studies, however, there are some differences with respect to the procedures used and the size of the samples.
Consider a particular topic (this can be the topic from one of your previous discussions or assignments), and a particular qualitative or quantitative research design and state the factors you would consider in choosing participants for the study. Be sure to answer the following in your discussion:
- What sampling method would you use?
- How would you go about deciding how many participants to select given a particular methodology?
- What factors should be considered regarding sample size, representativeness, and apparent biases in the selection of the sample?