Analyze the major themes that have arisen from the case law surrounding quantitative restrictions and measures having an equivalent effect on the import or export of goods between Member States, and 2) Explain the legal consequences of a measure being found to be of equivalent effect. 3) Critically examine the way(s) the ECJ has tested for whether a measure may fall into this category, paying particular attention to the distinction between direct and indirect discrimination caused by such restrictions.

DISCCUSSION Consider non-fiscal barriers to the free movement of goods: quantitative restrictions, in particular the quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect on the free movement of goods regulated by Articles 34-37 TFEU. Article 34 TFEU is the central provision treaty, and it is quite unequivocal in its prohibition of quantitative restrictions in relation to imports between Member States. Article 35 TFEU creates a similar prohibition in relation to exports. QUESTION. 1) Analyse the major themes that have arisen from the case law surrounding quantitative restrictions and measures having an equivalent effect on the import or export of goods between Member States, and 2) Explain the legal consequences of a measure being found to be of equivalent effect. 3) Critically examine the way(s) the ECJ has tested for whether a measure may fall into this category, paying particular attention to the distinction between direct and indirect discrimination caused by such restrictions.