Compare all the definitions of democracy provided in our sources and readings (Weeks 1-3).

1.  Elections and Beyond. Many of us would agree that there is no democracy without elections, and we would probably add the stipulation that elections must be free and fair to count. After all, even authoritarian regimes pretend to have elections of some kind. Most of us would also probably argue that there’s more to defining democracy than just elections. Compare all the definitions of democracy provided in our sources and readings (Weeks 1-3). Using specific examples of democracies or states transitioning to democracies, make a case for how we can tell when a country has successfully transitioned into a democracy. What are the indicators of democracy beyond elections? Be sure to support your answer with specific examples.

2.  Gender. Is gender equality a requirement of democracy? Use the readings that address this topic to support your answer.

Please present your work as a Word document (.doc, .docx), remembering to double-space and put your name and a title on the paper.  You should also put your name on the file, then upload it here in Assignments no later than 11:55pm ET on Sunday, Week 3.

Important:  Number the questions on your paper and write a topic/thesis sentence that indicates the question you are answering.  The thesis is worth 20 percent of your grade, so it’s important to present your answer upfront, first paragraph.

Hint:  A thesis is your unique answer to the question with specific reasons why – try using 3 reasons.  That way, your entire essay is 5 paragraphs – introduction, reasons 1, 2, and 3 fully-supported with evidence from the readings, and a conclusion.

Papers presented with no indication of the questions’ being answered will be returned.