Compare the important elements of this play with your life experience and contemporary society and try to articulate what the play “means” to you.

Write 5 paragraphs discussing the following: Viewpoints of Oedipus, The Effects of Tragedy:

1. Of the two productions, (The Guthrie – with masks; The RSC without masks) which did you prefer? Why?

2. What is your overall impression of the play?

3. Did you empathize with Oedipus? Did you experience “catharsis,” the purging of pity and terror?

4. Did the elements of the production (translation, acting, set design, music, light design, costume design) help you understand and appreciate the play? or did they get in your way? Pick one or two elements and discuss their effects on your understanding. Describe examples from the production that support your opinion or belief.

5. Compare the important elements of this play with your life experience and contemporary society and try to articulate what the play “means” to you.