Construct a biblical and personal worldview. Each of us holds to a worldview whether we can define and defend it or not. This objective marks a challenge to carefully consider, in a way that we can detail, our personal worldview regarding our views of God, humanity, ethics and other areas. Writing our worldview helps us to articulate what we believe and work on the process of defending our worldview in the face of opposition from many sources as we attempt to live out what we believe. Learning Activity #2: Personal Worldview Paper Read Chapter 9 of your textbook by Curtis titled Transformed Thinking: Loving God with All Your Mind. Write a 2 page paper that provides responses to Questions 1-5 on page 176-177 and lists five statements that summarize your worldview. It is important that these statements should be defended and justified based on the readings for this course. What can you write in this paper from your work in the course? Review your paper after writing and ask yourself this question: could I have written this paper before the course began, or does this reflect my efforts over the past five weeks? To achieve maximum points for content and analysis, the following elements need thoroughly addressed: Analytical responses to Questions 1-5 on page 176-177 of the textbook by Curtis. At least five statements summarizing your worldview. Defense of statements evidenced through critical thinking of the courses reading.