Create a recommendation for the CEO in which you clearly describe the options and recommend one.

Read the WSJ article (attached as well)

Critically assess the findings of the study, and come to an answer you feel is supportable (note that critical assessment does not mean just choosing a side—it means noting the strengths and weaknesses of the different positions, including your own).

Imagine that you are consulting for a CEO who wants to find the right balance between doing right (ethically) and doing well (financially). The specific question revolves around how his firm treats the chemical waste from its factories, with the following issues to be considered:

Overseas factories cost 30% as much as U.S. plants to operate and have no waste treatment requirements.

Factories in the United States can fail to treat their wastes (and risk a large fine if caught), treat their waste at the minimum required level, or treat their waste fully (at twice the cost).

The CEO will likely lose her job if the firm does not make its quarterly financial goals this year.

Create a recommendation for the CEO in which you clearly describe the options and recommend one. Be sure you are explicit about why you recommended what you did, and clearly address both the financial and ethical ramifications of your guidance.

Do you believe that doing right helps companies do well and do you see this more as a somewhat cynical attempt to market to customers? Cite some evidence to support your claim.

Links to use for resources :

Leadership and Unethical Behavior: How Does It Impact the Organization?