COVID-19 Assignment in lieu of clinical hospital Read the following source: =eyJpIjoiTURZeE5HUTRObU5oWTJJMCIsInQiOiJRbzc2aVhWMExPSDVvZU5sRW9YZTVsYXgzaHhLdjZaVFJiUE1MT0JaZ1IyZjVGS3Nud2dEWERZbFczMjVyblM5R0J0M3VwaWNYWWx4ZEZ4aGhEejlFa244d2JRS2pFNDZienQrNm5SSmtlRWJLWlRcLzhqMTNiT29SU20wZGVRbEcifQ%3D%3D Listen to this podcast: The COVID-19 virus is projected to possibly overwhelm the New York healthcare system. Choose five ethical principles from the power point identified in the content section of class 3. Describe a care scenario that nurses may face that could lead to ethical dilemmas for each type of principle you have chosen. How can these situations be avoided so that they do not become an ethical dilemma?