Describe and analyze in your words the concept information, answering the questions presented. Provide any theory, theorists and organizations mentioned.

1-Provide basic information about the video, concept, website information, chapter, and pages.

2-Describe and analyze in your words the concept information, answering the questions presented. Provide any theory, theorists and organizations mentioned.

3.Correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, APS 6th Ed. rules.


5: Reference page: Textbook information, Textbook: Teaching Students with Language and Communication Disabilities, S.J. Kuder, 5th Edition.2018.Pearson. *** Strictly from the textbook (including citation), This teacher is very demanding, follow the instructions based solely on the content provided in the chapters use exact words and content of the pages and use the specific pages in the instructions, quotes according to the book, **** the link for the video can also be found in the chapter, and the information found in the chapter, present it exactly as it appears, if you have any questions, contact me, thank you.