Writes a short paper on your experience, referring to specific readings/ course concepts to reinforce your statement and feel free to share your critiques as well as positives. Most of your paper should be analyzed – with description (i.e. specific details. Analyze this organization on the website – https://www.cnib.ca/en/programs-and-services?region=on_west Questions (Explain overall in 1 or two paragraphs) : • What are the pros/cons of how this organization is run, their approach, their policies? • What type of inclusion are they using? What works or not, and Why? Hint : (It is a Specialized Inclusion))) • Notice any challenges and barriers (beyond money) they face to giving the best service they can? • What constructive criticism and recommendations you can suggest based on elements of the Societal model or other DS principles? What are the barriers to your idea? Mandatory Format: Report Layout (Please follow these steps) 1) Type of Inclusion • identify what type of inclusion you witnessed and back this up with evidence/examples – If you detect multiple forms of inclusion – choose the dominant one you saw/ experienced – analyze the program based on how it usually runs – identify at least one pro and con of this form of inclusion you observed & back this up with evidence 2) Individual Model Analysis – Identify and describe IM elements that you witnessed (2 or 3 depending on complexity) – Must use specific terms from the DS1010 IM/SM table elements handout – Describe how these IM elements influence the service/supports and what is excellent or problematic about that 3) Societal Model Analysis • Identify and describe SM elements that you witnessed (2 or 3 depending on complexity) • Must use specific terms from the DS1010 IM/SM table elements handout • If you don’t see any SM elements, suggest two changes that the SM could be applied. • Describe how these SM elements influence the service/supports and what is excellent or problematic about that 4) Challenges & Solutions • Use the Inclusion elements to identify one problem or barrier to greater inclusion or community integration that faces the organization (besides money) and use the SM to recommend how they could address or overcome this challenge. Papers are expected to use DS1010 IM/SM table elements handout, types of inclusion handout, and three reading concepts thoughtfully in your website analysis. Feel free to question me anything if needed.