Describe how you divide and coordinate work in your start-up organization whose mission is to implement your business idea.

This section should include a brief literature review: (1) definition of the key construct discussed in your paper (Departmentalization); (2) short description of key characteristics/dimensions of your key construct (connection to other organizational design parameters, contingency factors, and final product & service mix, describer in applied and theoretical literature reviewed), (3) case(s) of industry peers to illustrate your construct in practice (when available) (4) suggestions for organizational design based on the group business, organizational prowess and resource sufficiency assessment. The same literature sources can be used in the group and individual work. In brief, this section should include a brief literature review, case(s) of industry peers when available and suggestion for organizational design based on the group business idea, organizational prowess and resource sufficiency assessment. Assume that your team colleagues are organizational members in your start-up and that you can bring in new workers. Describe how you divide and coordinate work in your start-up organization whose mission is to implement your business idea. Cover 1 topic related to only one organizational design parameter per student. If you use graphs or tables to illustrate your proposition, put them in the Appendix (Tables and Figures) and comment on them in the main text body of the section. Attached, an example, the business canvas of the project and an oak chart of the departments.