Describe the challenges posed for a Christian doctrine of creation by the ecological crisis.

Based on your readings, class discussions related to the Grenz book, and my presentations, you now have the benefit of an in-depth consideration of Trinitarian theology and its significance for the faith and practice of Christ-followers. Here is your chance to draw from these many sources to articulate a considered answer to a question Daniel Migliore poses in Faith Seeking Understanding (73): “What…is…at stake in affirming that God is triune, that God is communicated to us in Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit?” To put the question in multiple forms:
What is at stake in affirming that God is triune?
Why does it matter?
What are the implications of believing this?
How does it affect the way we think about and
live out all the other aspects of our faith (doctrine and praxis)?
Describe the challenges posed for a Christian doctrine of creation by the ecological crisis. With attention to your readings and on-line presentations, present a theological perspective on the topic that addresses the challenges and conveys what you believe to be faithful and relevant keynotes of a reconsideration of the doctrine of creation. Incorporate an informed understanding of God’s work in creation into your response (As one point of reference, note that I devoted a week to this in my presentational material).

With my essay, “Final Observations Related to the Providence of God” (at the end of the on-line resources for March 16-22) as a reference point, present your own statement of faith related to the providence of God. Draw on and credit your theological sources, both those with which you agree and disagree.