Describe the disorders and explain why you are choosing those diagnoses for this person/character.

The person/character should NOT be officially diagnosed with a psychological disorder. 1. Background and history: basic biographical information (age, gender, race…), family information and background (family history of mental illness), relationships, school/work information, history of mental illness or drug/alcohol use, changes in medical history, traumas… (Make sure you cite at the end of the case study where you got the information) You are welcome to embellish or make up your own history if you can’t find a lot on your person or character, but do try to research it first. Make sure you say if it is coming from your opinion, or if it is something you found in your research. 2. Presenting problem: How does the person/character present – what symptoms are observed (physical, emotional, social, behavioral, cognitive/perception, sensory)? This section should be specific and detailed using examples of particular behaviors, things said… 3. Possible diagnoses using the DSM V classifications (Pick at least two possible diagnoses). Describe the disorders and explain why you are choosing those diagnoses for this person/character. 4. Proposed treatment (discuss 3 possible treatment options using a psychodynamic, a learned, a creative therapy, and/or either a biological approach or a cognitive approach). In this section make sure you discuss why that treatment option might be used/ what assumptions are made in that approach