“In 2007, for a new advertising campaign of the chocolate division of Cadbury Schweppes to rouse brand engagement, an agency, Fallon London, pitched the idea of a gorilla playing drums, to the Phil Collins hit “In the Air Tonight” as they wanted watching the advertisement to be as enjoyable as eating a bar of chocolate. The Gorilla advertisement took three months to produce, with the suit made of knotted yak hair and the facial features made of silicon, which was able to be moved electronically. The advertisement was a 90-second commercial, which could be broken down into 60-second and 30-second commercials.
The 90-second TV advertisement was launched on Friday, 31 August 2007 during the Big Brother show. It also appeared on billboards, print newspapers, magazines, cinema, event sponsorship, and on the company website. The advertisement spread via viral marketing with 500,000 hits on YouTube in the first week. By November 2007, the advertisement had been viewed six million times on video-sharing web hosts and 70 Facebook appreciation pages had been set up. The advertisement had become a cult hit, with spoofs and parodies being uploaded by the public. The advertisement won many awards, including the coveted Film Grand Prix Lion at the Cannes Lions, 2008. By 2008, Dairy Milk had increased by 9%.”Discussion Question. Describe what makes this advertisement so appealing and how it differs from a traditional advertisement. Do you think that Cadbury used integrated marketing communications well?