Develop a problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions for your intended dissertation research that will use a quantitative approach.

Your dissertation topic will need to be aligned with your degree program and specialization. For the purposes of this assignment, consider how you could research your chosen dissertation topic through a quantitative lens, using quantitative methods and research questions that are aligned with quantitative research (even if you plan to pursue qualitative methods for your dissertation).

Develop a problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions for your intended dissertation research that will use a quantitative approach. You may want to use the Methods Map to provide an overview of a quantitative approach. When using the map, it is recommended that you begin with “Quantitative Data Collection,” which will provide a list of the method on the right. You can click on any of these for more information. Remember to look at the top box for definitions of terms/concepts.

This is to be based on: (1) the review of the literature in your topic area; (2) the identification of a problem based on your analysis of this literature; (3) adherence to the criteria necessary for a research-worthy problem and well formulated research questions as discussed in the School of Business Prospectus Template; and (4) your understanding of the alternative types of quantitative research studies.