Discuss a time in your past when you were resistant to change. Why do you think you resisted?

Label parts Part one Week 2 Minimum of 175 words: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: • Discuss a time in your past when you were resistant to change. Why do you think you resisted? • Think of an organization that attempted to change, but failed. Assess what went wrong and what could have been done differently to avoid the failure. Part 2 Wk 2 – Apply: Organizational Restructuring Memo You are the head of HR and the leaders of your organization just approached you to restructure the sales team. Currently there are four Divisional Vice Presidents that oversee 15 District Managers each. Moving forward, there will be two Divisional Vice Presidents with three Regional Directors reporting to each of them. Every Regional Director will oversee 10 District Managers. Refer to the Organizational Chart for a visual representation of the current and new structure. Write a  memo to the leaders of your organization in which you complete the following: • Recommend the best way to implement the change. • Evaluate how to effectively execute your plan. • Draft a communications plan that explains the reasons for these changes to the organization. Cite at least one peer-reviewed source in addition to the course text.