Discuss and compare three major Frank LloydWright projects from his early, middle and late career. Did his approach to design change over time? If so, how?

topic is in history of modern architecture: Discuss and compare three major Frank Lloyd?Wright projects from his early, middle and late career. Did his approach to design change over time? If so, how? my answer is yes it did change and it is best illustrated by his use of ornament, Materials, layout in Floor plans & construction technology used the 3 buildings Ive chosen to discuss are: Frederick C. Robie House (1906), Fallingwater (1939), Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (1959) —————————————————– Assessment and marking: Your essay will be judged on its originality, depth of research and its visual and written style. We are looking for your take on things, for you to demonstrate your understanding of architectural history and to give your opinions. You will need to read articles, and essays, and books on the given topic and to display a good understanding of your subject. The essay must be referenced, footnoted and include a bibliography. Research MUST include books and articles: merely citing websites is NOT sufficient. ———————————————– out of the 26 sources/references, 6 should come from the 2 books i have included photos of. the rest can come from other books on him, journals, essays etc. the essay layout plan should be set out like below: INTRO Intro on frank and how his design style changed throughout his career & short summary on the influences that made him change his approach. State that the change in design approach is best shown in these buildings; Frederick C. Robie House (1906), Fallingwater (1939), Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (1959) by the way of his use of ornament, use of Materials, his layouts in Floor plans & the different construction technology used in the buildings and how that allowed him to do different things than previously before. PARAGRAPH 1 Explanation of how the influences around him and events during his early, middle and late career changed his design approach from The Prairie House (1899 – 1910) to The Usonian Period (1932 – 1942) to The later years (1943 – 1959) which was a culmination of his life works, ideals and approaches PARAGRAPH 2 examine and explain his Prairie House design approach during his early years and what events influenced him Detail key aspects of the style and how he applied them throughout his early career PARAGRAPH 3 Explain how above style is best shown in the Frederick C. Robie House (1906) and maybe the Taliesin House (I) (1911-1912) by; Use of ornament, Materials, Floor plan etc. PARAGRAPH 4 examine and explain his Usonian Period design approach during his middle years and what events influenced him Detail key aspects of the style and how he applied them throughout his middle career PARAGRAPH 5 Explain how above style is best shown in the Fallingwater building (1939) by; Use of ornament, Materials, Floor plan, site layout, construction technology etc. PARAGRAPH 6 examine and explain his design approach during his later years and what events influenced him and how it became a culmination of his life works Detail key aspects of evolved modern style and how he applied them throughout his late career Explain how above style is best shown in the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (1959) & maybe Taliesin West (III) (1937-1959) by; Use of ornament, Materials, Floor plans, site layout, construction technology etc.