Subject area not specified above: Subject area is Emergency Management Topic:How the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires reformed the emergency management industry in Victoria over 10 years Structure of research The Bushfire: Before Black Saturday February 7th 2009 What did the emergency management industry look like? What was the structure of the agencies and government Was there a peak body Coordination, command and control arrangements Heat wave in Victoria and South Australia 5 leading into black Saturday, the fatalities and impact. During the fires (response phase) How did the agencies respond Roles and responsibilities of agencies and government Who was responsible for overall coordination of the response Impact on agencies Impact on community Fatalities Towns impacted Economic impact Emergency warnings Media After the fires (recovery) Recovery o 1 month o 3 months o 6 months o 12 months o 3 years o 5 years o Current day Roles of agencies and government Political response Responsibility of coordination Psychological impact on agencies and community media Comparison to Ash Wednesday 1983 How the response and recovery to this fire was different from 2009 2009 Victorian Bushfire royal commission There were 67 recommendations from this royal commission How did they help reform the industry Have they been implemented Have they been affective Victorian bushfire appeal fund (VBAF) Funds raised How they were distributed to the community Were the funds allocated correctly Could they have been distributed better Legislation and industry change post the fires since 2009 to 2018 Fire services commissioner Emergency management Victoria Victorian Government Country Fire Authority Metropolitan Fire Brigade Australian Red Cross Department of Health and Human Services Department of primary industries Any other agencies that have been affected How have other countries and states responded after extreme emergency events New York 9/11 Japan Tsunami Fukasihma Indonesian tsunami New Orleans Hurricane Katrina California Bushfires 10 year reform General summation of how things have changed over the last 10 years in Victoria