Discuss Mandatory Nurse-Patient Ratios

In this assignment, you will discuss how mandatory state nurse patient ratios or system-based staffing plans impact fiscal decisions. Many state legislatures are considering nursepatient ratios, which are mandatory, for staffing. Assume that you are working as a nursing leader in a healthcare facility. Your state hospital association has asked all the chief executive officers (CEOs) to provide written reports as to why this legislation would work or not work from a hospital nursing leadership perspective. You have been asked by your CEO to develop a response to this effect. To answer your CEO, you have been asked to work with all your nursing leaders to develop a response. How would you approach this? You need to provide reasons to the CEO for why this mandatory staffing issue would work or not work in your healthcare delivery system. Also, you must explain the variables that you would examine. Your response should include an analysis of staffing needs versus acuity needs (remember, acuity is going to become more complex). Your response should also show how you have accounted for greater reimbursement due to higher acuity and how this staffing pattern is going to impact nursing and operational budgets.