• For Part A, you will discuss three ways that the relationship between black and white Americans changed as a result of Reconstruction, which ended in 1877. Was there new legislation, Constitutional amendments, or Supreme Court decisions that changed the status of certain groups of Americans? What happened with labor rights, working conditions, socioeconomic standing, or migration patterns and living conditions? There are many political, social, economic, and cultural approaches you can take in your response. In your response, you want to emphasize specific changes that developed in U.S. race relations, and you need to demonstrate clearly how Reconstruction Era policies played a clear role in affecting those changes.
• For Part B, you will describe two consequences of industrialization on U.S. politics and/or society. This means that you can describe two political changes, two social changes, OR one political and one social change. What were some of the new industrial processes and technologies that transformed the United States and how did those developments affect where and how people lived and worked? How was the political and economic power of different social classes reorganized? Were there new political parties that emerged or legislation that was passed to reflect changes in the working class? What other new institutions, labor organizations or welfare societies, emerged in this period as a result of industrialization? In your response, you want to demonstrate clearly that industrialization was the major influence shaping the two political and/or social consequences that you describe.
• For Part C, you will explain the rise of the U.S. Progressive movement that accompanied industrialization from Reconstruction through the start of World War I by doing the following:
In Part C1, describe with strong examples how religion and a concern with social morality (i.e., combating vices like alcohol, indigence, and sex) fueled many Progressive Era reform movements. How did religion impact Progressivism at this time?
In Part C2, describe two specific social reform movements that characterized the Progressive Era. Who founded them and when, why did they feel the need to address certain social concerns, and how did they set out to accomplish their goals?
In Part C3, you return to a bigger picture to discuss one way that the Progressive Movement influenced U.S. politics during this historic period. In your response, be specific about the political change you describe. Remember, be specific: what are the names and details surrounding the organizations, leaders, Constitutional amendments, legislation and events that are part of your example? Provide context and information to help support your answer.
• In Part D you will explain the role of American imperialism in leading the United States into international conflicts in the late 19th and early 20th century. You will select two U.S. conflicts from among the Hawaiian Annexation, the Spanish-American War, War in the Philippines, and World War I. Why did the United States get involved in the two conflicts that you select? Did the administrations engage in these conflicts for economic reasons? Power? Prestige? Diplomatic relations? Humanitarian causes? There are many different perspectives on these conflicts and no single reason for U.S. involvement, so consider multiple angles. In your response, you should emphasize the connections between U.S. imperialism’s strategic goals and how those goals were partially met through U.S. involvement in your chosen conflicts.
ask 3 Overview:
• For Part A, you will discuss three ways that the relationship between black and white Americans changed as a result of Reconstruction, which ended in 1877. Was there new legislation, Constitutional amendments, or Supreme Court decisions that changed the status of certain groups of Americans? What happened with labor rights, working conditions, socioeconomic standing, or migration patterns and living conditions? There are many political, social, economic, and cultural approaches you can take in your response. In your response, you want to emphasize specific changes that developed in U.S. race relations, and you need to demonstrate clearly how Reconstruction Era policies played a clear role in affecting those changes.
• For Part B, you will describe two consequences of industrialization on U.S. politics and/or society. This means that you can describe two political changes, two social changes, OR one political and one social change. What were some of the new industrial processes and technologies that transformed the United States and how did those developments affect where and how people lived and worked? How was the political and economic power of different social classes reorganized? Were there new political parties that emerged or legislation that was passed to reflect changes in the working class? What other new institutions, labor organizations or welfare societies, emerged in this period as a result of industrialization? In your response, you want to demonstrate clearly that industrialization was the major influence shaping the two political and/or social consequences that you describe.
• For Part C, you will explain the rise of the U.S. Progressive movement that accompanied industrialization from Reconstruction through the start of World War I by doing the following:
In Part C1, describe with strong examples how religion and a concern with social morality (i.e., combating vices like alcohol, indigence, and sex) fueled many Progressive Era reform movements. How did religion impact Progressivism at this time?
In Part C2, describe two specific social reform movements that characterized the Progressive Era. Who founded them and when, why did they feel the need to address certain social concerns, and how did they set out to accomplish their goals?
In Part C3, you return to a bigger picture to discuss one way that the Progressive Movement influenced U.S. politics during this historic period. In your response, be specific about the political change you describe. Remember, be specific: what are the names and details surrounding the organizations, leaders, Constitutional amendments, legislation and events that are part of your example? Provide context and information to help support your answer.
• In Part D you will explain the role of American imperialism in leading the United States into international conflicts in the late 19th and early 20th century. You will select two U.S. conflicts from among the Hawaiian Annexation, the Spanish-American War, War in the Philippines, and World War I. Why did the United States get involved in the two conflicts that you select? Did the administrations engage in these conflicts for economic reasons? Power? Prestige? Diplomatic relations? Humanitarian causes? There are many different perspectives on these conflicts and no single reason for U.S. involvement, so consider multiple angles. In your response, you should emphasize the connections between U.S. imperialism’s strategic goals and how those goals were partially met through U.S. involvement in your chosen conflicts.