Discuss the causes, consequences, and fallacies of global warming.

1. The causes, consequences, and fallacies of global warming.2. Ecological impacts of exotic species invasions3. An endangered species, why it is endangered, and what we can do about it?4. The causes and effects of human population growth5. The causes and impacts of desertification6. The future of worldwide water resources7. Rangeland management in the US8. The history, current status, and future of tropical rain forests9. The status of neotropical migrant birds: U.S.-Mexico-South America10. Environmental Pros and Cons associated with recycling in America11. Environmental Pros and Cons associated with “green energy” in America12. Other selected topics approved in advance by the instructor.(pick one – must be approved by the instructor no later than 2/20/20)EXAMPLE:“Many goose populations in the northern hemi-sphere have shown rapid growth in recent years, particularly in the 1980s and 1990s (Ankney 1996).”Literature Cited: ANKNEY,C. D. 1996. An embarrassment of riches: too many geese. Journal of Wildlife Management 60:217-223Category Unacceptable Acceptable.