Discuss the concept of rococo in art and what kind of messages it conveyed to its viewers (in the case of art) and it users (in the case of architecture).

Your weekly essays should be well-organized, thoughtful analyses that engage the course material covered that week. Your responses must discuss specific works of art/architecture and provide ample visual evidence to support your argument. Use the video lecture and textbook for support, but you do not need to consult outside sources. and will run through TurnItIn software, so be sure to cite the textbook, when necessary. and the writer need to compare the paintings which shows in the video, analyse the color, the meaning of it, and posture of people, the expression of it the writer can not use the information from internet, but i think the writer can do some research and say it in his /her own words, but just a little, not too much, just about some background or.. https://rutgers.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/8.1%20What%20is%20Modernism/1_eivjh8tc i have a link to a video, and a question to write about https://rutgers.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/8.2%20Zervigon-RococoArt%20New/1_bg2ng0zo watch these two video, and answer:Question: Discuss the concept of rococo in art and what kind of messages it conveyed to its viewers (in the case of art) and it users (in the case of architecture). i think the writer need to watch https://rutgers.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/8.2%20Zervigon-RococoArt%20New/1_bg2ng0zo be sure to analyse at least 3 art works that shows in the video, analyse the color, posture of person, the time .