Evaluate how communication amongst different cultures and Hofstede’s four cultural dimensions can impact negotiations and their outcomes.

This unit focused on global leadership competencies, Hofstede’s five distinct cultural dimensions, Rosen’s four literacies, and how understanding these concepts can aid in international and/or cross-cultural negotiations. For this assignment, you are to write an essay that will explore the attributes needed to successfully negotiate cross-culturally. Be sure to address the items listed below. *** Assess the challenges involved when engaging in cross-cultural and international negotiations. *** Incorporate within your response principles presented by Rosen, Hofstede, and Chin and Tubbs. *** Evaluate how communication amongst different cultures and Hofstede’s four cultural dimensions can impact negotiations and their outcomes. *** Examine the global leadership competency (GLC) model and how it relates to cross-cultural and international negotiations. 1 good sources below. 3 others will be attached. Please provide a minimum of 2 more, or as many as you see fit. Chin, C. O., & Gaynier, L. P. (2006). Global leadership competence: A cultural intelligence perspective. Paper presented at the Midwestern Business Administration Association, Chicago, IL. Retrieved from https://www.csuohio.edu/sciences/sites/csuohio.edu.sciences/files/media/psychology/documents/Glo balLeadership%2011206.pdf