Examine the impact that stress has on one’s physical and emotional health.

Develop a PowerPoint slide show presentation on exercise motivation, choosing shoes/equipment, hydration, and general exercise safety. Provide national smoking statistics and examine the national trend for colleges and universities to move toward a “smoke-free” environment. Prepare a Powerpoint slide presentation using at least ten different newspaper, magazine, or internet ads that sell a health product or health service. Prepare an in-depth report on the “Power of Prayer” in maintaining a high level of emotional wellbeing. Prepare a report which examines common sleep disorders and the impact on personal health. Examine the impact that stress has on one’s physical and emotional health. Select at least five different OTC product used by self or family member and discuss each in terms of justification for use, amounts of active ingredients, claims of effectiveness, benefits and hazards, high, low, and reasonable costs, alternatives or substitutes, and source of information to use the product. Critically analyze at least five different TV drug commercials in terms of truthfulness and accuracy of information. Visit a local alcohol distributor and gather information on the prevention of underage drinking. Conduct an in-depth study of the tobacco industry. Include information on nicotine loading, marketing, labeling, international sales, etc. Select at least five different exercise equipment items and determine accuracy and effectiveness of claims, benefits and hazards of use, costs, and whether the same effects can be obtained in other (less costly) ways. Prepare a list of at least ten different items for sale in a health food store and their costs and compare them with similar products from other sources. Prepare an in-depth report on five different types of fad diets and/or questionable exercise devices. Interview a person who either teaches or has utilized any of the following stress management options: (1) Art Therapy; (2) Music Therapy; (3) Humor Therapy; (4) Meditation; (5) Hatha Yoga; (6) Pilates; (7) Message Therapy; (8) T’ai Chi Ch’uan; (9) Autogenic Training; (10) Clinical Biofeedback. Provide a research report on Women and Depression. Mental Health Issues – phobias, panic disorders, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, etc. Psychotherapeutic Drugs Smoking and Pregnancy. Ergogenic Aids in Sports. Exercise and Osteoporosis. Exercise and Arthritis. The Global Obesity Epidemic. Eating Disorders – Pica, Anorexia, Bulimia, and Overeating Disorder. Alcohol Abuse and Accidental Death. Alcohol Use and Sex Crimes- incest, child abuse, spouse abuse, pornography. Alcohol use and Date Rape- causes, prevention, attitudes.