Explain the effect of ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol supplementations on serum leptin, tumor necrosis factor alpha,and serum amyloid A levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes melltius

Delete the indication and mechanism of action. Cite each paragraph you wrote. Use article called effect of ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol supplementations on serum leptin, tumor necrosis factor alpha,and serum amyloid A levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes melltius (2015) by Mostafa jamalan ( for Eyegum medicine if want you cite a sentence). Some doctors recommended to use eyegum instead prevision because it more tolerance, rapid absorption, it is texture and flavor make t pleasant and chewing for 5/10 minutes provides advantages and also teeth and digestive processes. On another hand, Zofran tablet has disadvantages like birth defect in pregnant women in FDA warning