Explain the philosophical concepts associated with the will to harm individuals in large numbers.

1) Module One: Choose one of the following prompts:

  1. Reflect on the lectures and your readings. Describe what you learned and illustrate at least three topic points from the module resources by explaining their relevance.
  2. Describe international threats from both political and religious perspectives.
  3. Explain the meaning and uses of the term “terrorism.”

2) Module Two: Choose one of the following prompts:

  1. Reflect on the lectures and your learnings. Describe what you learned and illustrate at least three topic points from the module resources by explaining their relevance.
  2. Describe the concept of terrorism by examining the structure, strategies, and goals of international terrorist groups.
  3. Choose one of these concepts and explain its meaning, history, and applications of theory:
    1. The Face of Terrorism
    2. Terrorist Organizational Models
    3. Terrorist Planning Cycles

3) Module Three: Choose one of the following prompts:

  1. Reflect on the lectures and your learnings. Describe what you learned and illustrate at least three topic points from the module resources by explaining their relevance.
  2. Explain the philosophical concepts associated with the will to harm individuals in large numbers.
  3. Identify the multiple theoretical approaches to defending against international threats and explain their historical significance to past events.