Exploring the Practice of Psychology

Discussion 1 Question: Based on the assigned reading identify and discuss what you believe would be the two most essential mental health activities for reducing prison recidivism. Be sure to provide specific example(s) and please make sure to properly cite your sources. Discussion 1 Reading and Materials: 1) Lamberti, S. (2016). Preventing Criminal Recidivism Through Mental Health and Criminal Justice Collaboration. Retrieved from https://ps.psychiatryonline.org/doi/pdf/10.1176/appi.ps.201500384 Discussion 2 Question: After viewing the video and assigned article relating to eyewitness memory, make recommendations to improve eyewitness testimony or to prevent false memories from forming. Be sure to provide specific example(s) and please make sure to properly cite your sources. Discussion 2 Reading and Materials: 1) Lamb, M. (2016). Difficulties Translating Research on Forensic Interview Practices to Practitioners. American Psychologist. 71, (8), 710718. Retrieved from EBSCO Multi Search database in the Touro Library. 2) Cadena, A. (2016). Eyewitness Testimony [Video file]. Retrieved from (5:02) 3) QHat. (2016). Why Eyewitness Testimony is Unreliable [Video file]. Retrieved from (4:27) 4) PsychologicalScience (2017). Gary L. Wells: Understanding and Controlling Mistaken Eyewitness Identification [Video file]. Retrieved from (53:03)