Exploring the Visual Language of Display

Task: This course was designed carefully. The first six weeks introduced you to the basic theories and thinkers who contribute to our understanding of display, and the basic histories of display. The last six weeks introduced you to the basic ways we work with display as: designers, curators, advertisers, marketers, and managers. Weeks 1 6 were planned to go with weeks 7 11.Consider week 6 and the content covered that week: Twisted Sisters: Semiotics and Dialectical Material in Parody and Guerrila Advertising. Theorists: Marx, Foucault, Levinson.Consider, also, the content covered that week: Stereotypes and Statements in Branding and Advertising.Do you see how they were meant to go together?This assignment asks you to work with these pairings from week 6. You are to write a 3,000 word illustrated report USING THAT OPTION and with the following structure: – Introduction (500 words) – Theory, History and Method (1,000 words) Your Spring Break assignment helped you do this already! – Discussion and Illustrations (1,500 words) The report is to be based on the following scenario: ? REFERRAL Scenario: You are to consider the images used in the week 6 lecture and any other examples of parody brands, guerrilla marketing, and spoof advertisements you would like to include from your own research. Choose your favourite of each (1 parody brand, 1 instance of guerrilla marketing, and one spoof advertisement). One of EACH. What do they say, do, and contextualise? Guidance: ? What visual and illustrative techniques were used in the displays? ? What references will you use in considering them? (. historic, artistic, theoretical, etc.) ? How was gender, gendered images or stereotype used? ? How did the display use design, location, space, lighting, colour and typography? ? Apart from the object/item/brand what else will be displayed (. what ideas, lifestyle, politics, etc. was suggested?) ? How and who does it engage? ? Are the displays direct or subtle, and what is the difference in terms of its reception? ? What political statement is made/discussed with this material?