Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction The notion of Risk Venue Risk Analysis Conclusion Recommendations References Appendix (ices) [if relevant] **Executive summary: Critical Part of the Report Succinctly summarises the venue, risk, risk analysis, conclusion, recommendations in the report It is not the same as an Introduction Ideal length: 5 to 8 per cent of the total word count **Part 1: The notion of Risk: 1,250 words Critically evaluate the concept of Risk. What is it? What is subject to risk in hospitality sector? Why is it considered essential for a hospitality business to implement a risk management process? A Risk Ranking System this is the how risks will be assessed. **A Venue Risk Analysis (VRA) form a tool to measure risk that is unique to your venue **Arising from the VRA is to provide recommendations to management about that are succinct, yet provide enough details for management to act. Devise a risk summary sheet for your venue, administer this, and provide an overview of the analysis of your venue in terms of priority areas for action. Provide constructive recommendations, supported with evidence, which can be acted upon by the venues management team. **What you need to do: Explain how and why risk assessment tools are employed by the hospitality industry Clearly explain how a risk assessment policy will benefit your chosen venue. Focus on how the key issue of ‘risk relates to the hospitality industry. Discuss risk under appropriate sub-headings, . physical, non-physical, WHS, Financial, Cyber Security, Human Resources, Corporate Reputation Include Venue Risk Analysis (VRA) Use scholarly and academic sources to support your writing and assessment Include accurate citations and a Reference List using Harvard Recommendations that align with the VRA Form