Disease Presentation: Objective: To apply the knowledge we are gaining to a specific topic. This will make the content of our studies more relevant, increase the depth of our understanding of this content, and reinforce what we have learned about the different types of diseases. We will also consider the many ways in which genetic knowledge is used and the different levels at which genetics is studied. Procedure: 1. Each student will explore and present a genetic disease of their choice. This genetic disease can be something more common like heart disease or diabetes. 2. Each student will answer the following questions in a 1-2 page paper or other type of presentation (for example power point and html pages are acceptable alternate formats): — What are the symptoms? At what age do symptoms begin? — How common is it? Is it more common in some groups than others? — Is this disease caused by an abnormality of a chromosome, a gene, many genes, or a combination of inherited predisposition with environmental influences? — How does this cause lead to the symptoms of this condition? — Is there any treatment or cure? — Include a bibliography. See notes on this below. Do not just reorder and regurgitate someone else’s descriptions. Read it, process it, and then summarize it in a clear, organized way that shows that you understand what you have read and are not just copying, pasting, and rewording the sources. 3. To the best of your ability, explain the underlying science. Relate the information in your presentation to what we learned in class. For example, if your presentation is on Down syndrome, how does understanding meiosis to create gametes and mitosis of create the embryo / fetus / baby relate to the disease? If your presentation is an a single gene disease, do not just say that it is “inherited” or that someone is a “carrier,” explain describe what this means based on what you learned this term. If your disease is polygenic / multifactorial, what does that mean and what data show that it has this type of inheritance? By explaining this in your own words, you will show me that you have put some effort into understanding how the genetic abnormality leads to the disease symptoms and why there is or is not a treatment. 4. Define any scientific or medical terms. 5. Include a bibliography. (See details about sources below.) 6. Use “people first language.” See link to description in week 0 on main course page, under General Resources. 7. Your presentation will be posted to this Disease Presentation Forum. Students will not have access to the forum posts until they have posted their own presentation. 8. After their presentation is posted, students will evaluate 2 of their classmates presentations. The evaluations are part of the evaluators grade on this assignment. You comments on peer’s work are due the same time your final is due. Criteria for Grade: Worth 50 points: 10 quality of writing, clarity, grammar, spelling, sentence and paragraph structure — Please consult a writing tutor or have a trusted person edit / proof read a rough draft of your presentation. 10 quality of analysis, level of detail, breadth, depth 10 illustrates understanding of the topic, definitions of terms, relating information in your presentation to what we learned in class 10 Bibliography:two or more sources; choice of sources (no .coms, only .gov and .edu or articles).