How did communities apply the community approach to prepare and respond to Hurricane Matthew?

For this assignment, you will focus on how the National Response Framework (NRF) and the U.S. National Planning Frameworks direct the nations response to incidents and disasters, specifically focusing on Hurricane Matthew. Review the units reading on the preparedness and response efforts to Hurricane Matthew in 2016, and write an analysis of the federal response. Your case study should address, at a minimum, the following questions. 1. Discuss how the National Planning Frameworks core capabilities and guiding principles applied to the Hurricane Matthew, response. 2. How did the federal government prepare in advance for the landfall of Hurricane Matthew under the National Response Framework (NRF)? 3. How did communities apply the community approach to prepare and respond to Hurricane Matthew? 4. In your opinion, was the National Preparedness Goal achieved? Ensure you support your analysis with strong arguments and evidence. You may use the two sources listed above as a basis for your analysis, but you must conduct additional research and use at least two additional sources.