1. How does The Dream of the Rood describe the attitude and personality of Jesus and the True Cross? Do you see any similarities between the portrayal of these figures and the portrayal of the doomed warriors in The Battle of Maldon?
2. How should we interpret The Battle of Maldon? Do you think this is a realistic depiction of heroism and loyalty to one’s lord? Do you think this is a piece of propaganda spinning a series of poor decisions? Do you see any similarities between this work and the portrayal of heroism in modern America?
3. How does the Letter of Gregory the Great to Abbot Mellitus describe the policy of accommodation? Given this letter, and what you learned about this week, does this policy result in the “Christianization” of Western Europe?
4. What governmental or social ideals does Sedulius Scottus describe? Is he articulating a caesaropapist idea? How does he defend his vision of the ideal ruler? Do you think his work provides any practical or realistic advice, or is it high-minded, theological bullshit?
5. Looking through the Capitularies, how far does Charlemagne’s control over the church actually extend? How does he encourage education of the clergy? What does he gain from that education?
6. Compare the government and laws that are described in the Capitularies to the advice of Sedulius Scottus. Did Charlemagne rule in the way that Scottus advised, or does he break from that advice in places?
7. Take a look at sections 5 and 6 in the Capitularies. What do these documents suggest about rural life on these estates? How much do people own? What sorts of food or material objects were produced on the estates? Based on these two documents, does life seem comfortable, difficult, or dire?
8. What does the Capitulary on the Saxon Territories tell us about how Charlemagne attempted to rule and convert the Saxons? Is he following the advice of Gregory the Great? Keeping in mind the lecture material, do these tactics seem particularly effective?