Choose a currently controversial employment law issue from the list below:
How should employers address the requirement to subsidize employee health insurance, as the Affordable Care Act requires?
Should employers be permitted to refuse coverage for contraception in health insurance provisions for religious reasons?
Should sexual orientation and/or gender identity be explicitly added to the list of federally protected classes?
Should addictions, obesity, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) be classified as disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act? (you would choose one condition)
Should affirmative action be mandatory standard practice in hiring to avoid discrimination, inadvertent or otherwise?
Should employers’ good faith reasons for criminal and credit checks trump any issues of disparate impact discrimination?
Should employers be permitted to require access to and control over employees’ social media accounts as a prerequisite of employment?
Should ‘right to work’ laws be expanded or eliminated?
Absent a subpoena, should employers be required to show that they are not engaged in gender-based pay discrimination?
Should the United States follow the lead of other industrialized nations and amend the Family and Medical Leave Act to provide for paid leave?