How should these resources be fairly rationed?

Be sure to follow all the instructions. 1. The current lockdown has demonstrated that working from home through technology is only even possible for less than half the jobs that exist. Further, some of the most essential functions are those which cannot use the computer/internet as a substitute delivery system for work. What are some of the ethical implications for: (you must address these, you may add more) a. Pay for risk.b. Assistance and support during crises (floods, earthquakes, etc)c.Civic organization and government regulation2. It is seldom understood that risk cannot be eliminated, but only shifted. This is gradually being recognized as there are debates about lives saved/lost by the shutdown vs. lifes lost/degraded by lifting the shutdown. What are some of the ethical issues and how can they be discussed rationally? 3. Who gets what has been one of the themes of the course and your readings. The essay by Nozick lays out some of the most important questions regarding social organization and its quandaries. Take any three of the issues he raises and analyze an answer, including in your analysis short term gains/losses, long term gains/losses, visible vs. invisible gains/losses, and the role of incentives and their personal vs. social outcomes.Example: When there is an epidemic, resources may be scarce. How should these resources be fairly rationed? Is it first come, first served? Is it social value versus social cost? Should there be confiscations from one unit to another? One issue in the current disease situation is that severity seems to be fairly limited to those with certain properties: old age, compromised immune systems, obesity and/or diabetes with only a few, not yet understood outliers. Different countries have responded to limited facility and treatment resources in different ways. In Spain, they have made the old the least prioritized—given treatment only when no others need it. In the US, it has been the transfer of resources from one location to another. In other countries, it has been rationed on the basis of essential utility to the greater society.