Accounting for the complexity of natural processes and social systems, and using an adaptive management approach in the face of resulting uncertainties.4. Engaging multiple stakeholders in a collaborative process to define problems and find solutions.5. Incorporating understanding of ecosystem processes and how ecosystems respond to environmental perturbations.6. Concerned with the ecological integrity of coastal-marine (or any other) systems and the sustainability of both human and ecological systems.Identify a Canadian mining company operating in Canada. Mining and extraction are an important part of the Canadian economy. Evaluate how compatible its development and operations are to the six elements of the Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) process. This company should have the following characteristics:It should work mostly, if not entirely, in the industry provided.It need not be an active company, but cannot be defunct for more than 10 years.While active it must have embarked on a significant and well publicized or documented expansion or project.Conduct research into the company’s expansion, using the six aspects of EBM as starting points and focus of your investigation. Please note that the six aspects of EBM can apply to all ecosystems. Please ensure that you adapt the generic meaning of each of the aspects to the specifics of the ecosystem(s) you are investigating.Write an essay in which you evaluate whether the expansion or project was an EBM success or failure.