Identify and explain key points throughout out your lifespan (childhood, adolescence, and adulthood) that have left an impression on your beliefs about receiving an education.

Prior to beginning this activity, read Chapter 12: School, Work, and Leisure, in the course textbook. In addition, to support a deep reflection about your knowledge gained from this chapter, reflect on your own educational journey, from your childhood through the present.

Man wearing suspenders holding up his pointer finger.jpg

In this reflection,

  • Identify and explain key points throughout out your lifespan (childhood, adolescence, and adulthood) that have left an impression on your beliefs about receiving an education.
    • Include at least three experiences: one in childhood, one as a teen, and one as an adult.
    • Identify what led to the events and what effects each event has had on your academic journey or beliefs about earning a degree.
  • Identify factors suggested to be effectors of development, by your weekly reading that align with your experiences (i.e., childcare, preparedness, learning environment). Share only information that you are comfortable with, or you may use another’s experiences or a fictitious example.
    • To successfully do this, add proper citations throughout your writing.