The Reflexivity Tool is to help you situate yourself relative to your research topic and identify your potential assets and biases. Think hard and be honest when you fill it out. You will use this information in the methodology section of your final paper for this course. Below are indications regarding what each column and row covers:
Personal location: What is your position relative to each dimension (research interest, biography, or socio-economic position)? Where do you stand? Think of your life experience as well as your opinions. Just state your personal location, don’t try to analyze it, since this is what the other two columns are for.
Potential advantages: How may this help you conduct research?
Potential barriers: How may this make it more difficult for you to gain objective information and come to valid conclusions?
Research interest: How interested (or not) are you in this project? What do you hope to find? What is your past experience with conducting research? What is your knowledge of the topic? How do you feel about conducting interviews or observations?
Biography and/or beliefs: Do you have personal experiences that relate to this topic? Do you have strong personal beliefs about it? Do you have beliefs or experiences that may influence how you approach this topic?
Socio-economic position: What is your social status? Think, for instance, about your gender, race/ethnicity, age, level of education, occupation, income, religion, sexual orientation, and marital status. How does it compare to the socio-economic status of the people you are going to interview or come in contact with in your observations?