In the myPython1 notebook, create the code and execute the code to generate results the same as the following screenshot.

1. Create a new ipython notebook and name it as myPython1. This file should have a .ipynb extension name. Or you can download the provided template file iPython1.ipynbPreview the document, save it on your desktop, then rename it as myPython1.

2. In the myPython1 notebook, include the Project Title and your name using a markdown cell. The format of Project Title line should be Title Level 1, Running Python should be italic, by YOURNAME line should be Title Level 2.

3. In the myPython1 notebook, create the code and execute the code to generate results the same as the following screenshot. Substitute YOURNAME using your own name.

4. Write Python codes to import the math package and then calculate the area of a circle with radius 3.0. Execute your code to display the result.

5. Write Python codes to add a second kid to the family list and then print the list content. Execute your code to display the result.

6. Write Python codes to display the length of the family list. Execute your code to display the result.