In your opinion, which aspect of college is the primary catalyst for cognitive growth?

You must read the section of chapter 18, “Cognitive Growth and Higher Education” (pages 532–539) before participating in this discussion. The book is attached.

(You must respond to both parts.)

1. The section of the textbook, “Cognitive Growth and Higher Education,” provides an overview of the research on how students’ thinking changes over four years of college. The author of the textbook then points out that this research may be outdated, as students, professors, and institutions have changed since the research was conducted. Based on your own experience as a college student, explain your thoughts on this. How has your own thinking changed since beginning college, and how does that compare to the older research findings?
2. In your opinion, which aspect of college is the primary catalyst for cognitive growth? In other words, what it is about the college experience that contributes the most to changes in thinking? Is the academic work, professor’s lectures, peer discussions, the new setting, living away from home, or something else? Explain.