In your post, think about what these depictions of God might tell us about these two cultures; what is one way in which they might be similar, and one way in which they might be different?

Topic: Reflect on the depiction of God in these two texts. In your post, think about what these depictions of God might tell us about these two cultures; what is one way in which they might be similar, and one way in which they might be different?

When reading the sacred texts from these two very different religions, I immediately think of an exalted entity, which creates a focus for each audience. Reading each text exclusively, the first similarity I noticed in both was a deity or higher source of power, who’s people were to follow guidance in order to reach gratified expectation. Although to my interpretation of the readings one praised a self-reflection, while the other maintained a bilateral relationship. The more I read into each scripture the more I noticed a common theme in both texts. First within the Holy Qur’an, it reiterated an interdependent relationship between God and those who followed, acknowledging faults of men to come but the forgiveness that could follow. Second, reading The Bhagavad Gita, the theme I noticed was the echoed praise of how powerful and almighty the deity was, expanding on the intertwined connections of all living things.

If God were to punish Men according to what They deserve, He would not Leave on the back Of the (earth) a single Living creature: but He Gives them respite For a stated Term: When their Term expires, Verily God has in His sight All His servants. (Qur’an, 35: 45). Suras like this one expanded on an additional similarity between Christianity and Islam, allowing me to see how this religious scripture projected outward as opposed to The Bhagavad Gita.  Although both sacred texts emphasized on connections each following group needed to make to be closer to God, each text reflected this is different ways to illuminate the direction of channeling this relationship.