ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS-1 page- at least one paragraph with source or link #1. Decision Making Bias Videos Most of the sources in the background materials are library textbook chapters or journal articles. In general, these sources are considered much more credible than various random webpages that you will find online. When finding an online source, you need to carefully consider the credibility of the source. Factors to consider include the credentials of the person who wrote the materials, whether this person is trying to sell you something, and of course you also need to use your own intuition as to whether or not a source seems credible. Your task for this assignment is to go to YouTube or and find a video that explains cognitive/heuristic biases covered in the background materials such as confirmation bias, overconfidence bias, etc. Use word searches such as decision-making biases, heuristic biases, overconfidence, anchoring, framing, confirmation bias, and similar searches. You should find many videos, but the difficult part will be to try to find a video that is A) relevant to the topics covered in the module, B) from a credible source, and C) easy to understand and follow. To find a video from a very credible source, look at a video from Nobel Prize winner and heuristic bias expert Daniel Kahneman. Credible yes, but I cant guarantee you will stay awake during the video. So see if you can also find a video from a source that appears credible but and has information consistent with the background material readings but also keeps you awake and helps you understand the different types of decision-making biases. Share the link and explain why you think the video is both useful and credible, and which biases from the background materials the video helps explain. BACKGROUND FOR QUESTION 1 Lombardo, J. (2014). Common Biases and Judgment Errors in Decision Making Organizational Behavior. Education Portal Bolland, E., & Fletcher, F. (2012). Solutions: Business problem solving. (attached) Kourdi, J. (2011). Chapter 10: Avoiding the pitfalls and developing an action plan. Effective Decision Making: 10 Steps to Better Decision Making and Problem Solving. London: Marshall Cavendish International [Asia] Pte Ltd. (attached) Trevis Certo, S., Connelly, B. L., & Tihanyi, L. (2008). Managers and their not-so rational decisions. Business Horizons, 51(2), 113-119. #2Group Decision Videos There are numerous videos on group decision making available online. Some of them are very professional; others seem somewhat amateurish or are designed for or by high school students. Do a search on YouTube for videos on group decision making or on specific group decision-making techniques discussed in the background materials. Choose a video you found to be very useful at explaining the techniques in the background materials, and another video that you found to be amateurish or not very useful. Post the links. Also, share what you found useful and not useful about each video, and whether or not you recommend others to view the video Background for #2: Braintools (2017). Brainstorming: Generating many radical, creative ideas. Retrieved on 18 March 2017 from CDC (2017). Gaining consensus among stakeholders through the nominal group technique. Retrieved on 18 March 2018 from Haughey, D. (2017). Delphi technique: A step-by-step guide. Retrieved on 18 March 2017 from #3 Vroom-Yetton Decision-Making Model Sources The Vroom-Yetton decision-making style model is one of the toughest topics that weve covered in the class. In essence it is fairly simpleas a leader, the style you choose for making a decision depends on the situation. What makes it more difficult though is that the diagram and other features can be intimidating. Review the background readings on this model. Then find some sources online regarding this modelthey can be either webpages or a videos. Make sure the information presented in this source matches what youve read in the background materials, but also find one that you think helps simplify or explain this model in a clear manner. Share the link to this source and address the following issues: 1. Is the source credible? 2. Does the information in the source regarding the Vroom-Yetton model match what youve read in the background materials? Why do you find this source easier to follow? How did it help you understand this model? Background Rigolosi, E. (2005). Chapter 6: Diagnosing the task. Management and Leadership in Nursing and Health Care : An Experiential Approach. New York, NY, USA: Springer Publishing Company, 2005 Vroom, V. (1976). Can leaders learn to lead? Organizational Dynamics, 4(3), 17-28.
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