Nurse educators hinderances and partnerships with others:Explain how this relates to organizational culture/climate, structure, and decision-making processes, and influences the role of the nurse educator.

Write a 1-page paper discussing the following: analysis of the mission and vision of the selected organization as well as the networks and partnerships that supportor hinderones role and contributions as a nurse educator. o Mission statement is: T is an academic health center providing accessible, state-of-the-art quality healthcare to our community regardless of the ability to pay. o Vision: Leading the way to a healthy community. o Example of partnerships: the directors communicate well with the nurse educators to promote training of trending patient care issues. The nurse educators effectively communicate with the nursing units to get out valuable information. o Example of hindrance: Other department such as Pharmacy will inform the nursing educational department about a change in medication procedures (i.e. nurse will need to mix the powder form of antibiotic in a separate bag of fluids before administering to the patient. No longer will it come to the inpatient units as one bag ready to be administered) a few days before it goes live leaving little opportunity to educate or train 200 nurses. Explain how this relates to organizational culture/climate, structure, and decision-making processes, and influences the role of the nurse educator. Justify your response with support from 4 of the literature. Classroom Resource: Palmer, P. J. (2017). The courage to teach: Exploring the inner landscape of a teacher’s life (3rd ed.) San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Chapter III, The Hidden Wholeness: Paradox in Teaching and Learning (pp. 6389) Ahmann, E., & Dokken, D. (2012). Strategies for encouraging patient/family member partnerships with the health care team. Pediatric Nursing, 38(4), 232235. Bellot, J. (2011). Defining and assessing organizational culture. Nursing Forum, 46(1), 29-37. Breslin, E., Stefl, M., Yarbrough, S., Frazor, D., Bullard, K., Light, K., Lowe, A. (2011). Creating and sustaining academic-practice partnerships: Lessons learned. Journal of Professional Nursing, 27(6), e33e40. Calzone, K. A., Jenkins, J., Yates, J., Cusack, G., Wallen, G. R., Liewehr, D. J., & McBride, C. (2012). Survey of nursing integration of genomics into nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 44(4), 428436. Dixon, M. A., & Dougherty, D. S. (2010). Managing the multiple meanings of organizational culture in interdisciplinary collaboration and consulting. Journal of Business Communication, 47(1), 319. McInnes, E., Middleton, S., Gardner, G., Haines, M., Haertsch, M., Paul, C. L., & Castaldi, P. (2012). A qualitative study of stakeholder views of the conditions for and outcomes of successful clinical networks. BMC Health Services Research, 12(49), 112. Schriner, C., Deckelman, S., Kubat, M., Lenkay, J., Nims, L., & Sullivan, D. (2010). Collaboration of nursing faculty and college administration in creating organizational change. Nursing Education Perspectives, 31(6), 381386. Yucha, C. B., Schneider, B. S., Smyer, T., Kowalski, S., & Stowers, E. (2011). Methodological quality and scientific impact of quantitative nursing education research over 18 months. Nursing Education Perspectives, 32(6), 362368.
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