Please write the outline first and than a final paper on Classical Nature of Oydssey . Include readings from Homer Oyddseyy and other sources to reflect on like Kirby Great, I will attach the readings in the file for you. Last, see attachment file for the proposal so you can use that as a guide to help you to writing a perfect essay. Think about ‘What is a Classic?’ In addition to the work you are examining, I would like you to think (and write) about the topic of ‘classics’ itself and include it in the outline and essay.Please type up a detailed outline.By ‘detailed’ I mean that your outline should show, section by section, not only what you plan to write on Oydessey, but also some of the details that will be included in each section. This is sometimes known as a ‘skeletal’ outline, because it represents the ‘bones’ on which you will put the ‘flesh’ (the actual text, paragraph by paragraph and section by section) of your essay