Propose a leadership succession perspective for your organization. Why is succession planning important?

Throughout the course, you have studied a variety of theories about leadership. By now, you should be developing your own perspective on who the leader is and what the leader does. You likely have gravitated towards certain styles and ideas about leadership.

For the Week 5 paper, you will design a leadership development program for an organization of your choice.


  • Summarize the key details about your organization. What is it? What does it do? How does it currently develop (or not develop leaders)? Don’t just copy and paste your writing from the Week 1 introduction. Further summarize organizational details.
  • Assess leadership. What is it? Why is it important?
  • Defend an approach (e.g., style or theory) to leadership that you wish to replicate throughout the organization you have selected. Why is it appropriate for the organization?
  • Design a leadership development plan to infuse your selected leadership approach into the organization. The plan can be a 2- to 3-page summary of a process, set of action steps, modules, or other means you will use to develop leaders.
  • Propose a leadership succession perspective for your organization. Why is succession planning important? What are the consequences of failing to do so? What are the benefits of having a succession plan? What are 3 or 4 critical action steps the organization should take to build good leadership succession?
  • Synthesize your self-development in leadership perspective and practice as a result of study in the course. What did you think about leadership coming into the course? How has your thinking and practice changed because of your study?