Psychology 102 research report (Mindfulness)

The word limit starts at the first word of the Abstract and ends with the last word of the discussion (i.e., it does not include the Reference list). Please follow attachment ‘Research Report Information’. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE REPORT MUST BE 1500 words and not 1650. The assignment will involve that you will consider the results of the survey attached ‘ RESEARCH REPORT METHOD RESULTS T2 2018’ and relate those back to the hypothesis in a written research report. All references are attached; Books Lilienfeld, S. O., Lynn, S. J., Namy, L. L., Woolf, N. J., Jamieson, G., Marks, A., & Slaughter, V. (2015). Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding (2nd ed.). Melbourne: Pearson Australia. Research articles Bergin, A. J., & Pakenham, K. I. (2016). The stress-buffering role of mindfulness in the relationship between perceived stress and psychological adjustment. Mindfulness, 7, 928-939. doi: Cash, M., & Whittingham, K. (2010). What facets of Mindfulness contribute to psychological well-being and depressive, anxious, and stress-related symptomatology? Mindfulness, 1, 177-182. doi: APA writing guide Please note the following reference should not appear in your essay reference list: *Burton, . (2010). An Interactive Approach to Writing Essays and Research Reports in Psychology (3rd ed.). Milton Qld: Wiley Australia.