Sexual Behavior:Discuss the differences between ‘normal’ and ‘deviant’ sexual behavior. What makes an act or practice ‘deviant’? Does labeling something ‘deviant’ only make sense in comparison to what is normal?

Question 1: (4 points) Discuss the differences between ‘normal’ and ‘deviant’ sexual behavior. What makes an act or practice ‘deviant’? Does labeling something ‘deviant’ only make sense in comparison to what is normal? Question 2: (4 points) Why do certain acts seem to be ‘deviant’ in some societies but ‘normal’ in others, and why do other acts seem to be universally ‘deviant’? Question 3: (4 points) Describe three types of perspectives (., statistical, sociological, psychological, medical, anthropological) used to understand what is ‘normal’ and what is ‘deviant’. Question 4: (4 points) Is one of the perspectives you described above in Question 3 better than the others, or are multiple perspectives required?