The European Union is an effective common market that has abolished most restrictions on factor mobility and has harmonized national political, economic and social policies.

Background: The European Union is an effective common market that has abolished most restrictions on factor mobility and has harmonised national political, economic and social policies (Daniels, Radebaugh and Sullivan, 2013). However, in recent times it has seen some challenges that threaten the disintegration of this union of the 28 countries and more recently the United Kingdom leaving the EU, commonly known as Brexit. You are required to; 1. Select one business organisation of your choice that is participating in international/regional trade within the European market. 2. Critically evaluate through the use of relevant examples the potential impacts of Brexit to the selected organisation. 3. Explore potential opportunities or risks associated with UK exiting this regional bloc to the selected organisation. 4. A robust review of the literature related to regional integration should be clearly demonstrated from a range of academic sources. 5. Suggest practical and justified recommendations about how the selected organisation can cushion itself from possible risks or take advantage of potential opportunities resulting from Brexit. Prepare an academic report using the structure below; Title Page Table of Contents Executive summary-Not more than 200 words (does not count towards the overall word count) Introduction Literature review Discussion and analysis Conclusions Recommendations References Bibliography Appendix-use sparingly.