Use abnormal returns to estimate t-statistics for all intervals (for raw returns, market-adjusted returns and abnormal returns)Excel data still need:(1) all t-statistic event windows are to be computed for RAW returns, MKT – ADJ RETURNS, and ABNORMAL returns.

the ending is no good.Please try you best to fix it .A well structured event study would include:(1) cover sheet(2) tab with raw prices (from yahoo). If you used WRDS you could skip this step(3) tab with raw price returns (a shadow spreadsheet).(4) tab with raw index levels (these are NOT prices). If you used WRDS, you could skip this step.(5) tab with raw index returns (a shadow spreadsheet)(6) Tab with market-adjusted returns (raw return – index return)(7) estimate alpha and beta. Technically you would run regression (find slope) using excess raw returns and excess index (market) returns – this would require using contemporaneous RF rate. A simplified approximation would find slope between raw returns and market (index) returns(8) Calculate expected return using estimates from (7) and index (market) return.(9) Calculate abnormal return (raw return – excess return)(10) Use abnormal returns from (9) as DV in regression(11) Regression should include several relevant (you decide!) independent variables. You will need to collect additional data for this step.(12) Use abnormal returns to estimate t-statistics for all intervals (for raw returns, market-adjusted returns and abnormal returns)Excel data still need:(1) all t-statistic event windows are to be computed for RAW returns, MKT – ADJ RETURNS, and ABNORMAL returns.(2) Regression analysis is for ABNORMAL RETURNS only.(3) The event study submission is an entire report (see instructions on blackboard) and accompanying spreadsheet and documentation of event dates (using newswires, etc).and you still need beta calculationsmarket adjusted returns/ abnormal returns data for regression