Using your required readings on forms of business organizations, explain the pros and cons of each of these types of business forms and recommend which one you would choose in this scenario and why.

1. Fact pattern: Joe and James are brothers who decide to go into a landscaping business together. Joe has most of the money to put up and James has extensive gardening knowledge. They will need to have at least a couple employees to help do the work. They are trying to decide how to organize the business — a general partnership, a limited liability company or a corporation.

Question: Using your required readings on forms of business organizations, explain the pros and cons of each of these types of business forms and recommend which one you would choose in this scenario and why.

2. Fact Pattern:  Joe operates a construction company. His business includes demolition work.  Joe agrees to demolish Chuck’s warehouse building at 1234 Ditchwork Lane. Alas, he proceeds to destroy a similar looking garage building on the other side of the street at 1243 Ditchwork Lane.

Question:  Apply and discuss concepts that you learned in your required readings about CONTRACT to this scenario. Cite your sources in APA format. Failing to cite your sources will result in no credit (-0-) for the question.

3. Fact pattern: April works for ABC Corporation as a receptionist. Harold is her supervisor. Harold has asked April out on a date three times and she has politely refused each time, explaining that she is in a committed relationship. Frustrated, Harold writes her up for being late to work, which is untrue.

Question: Using your required readings, explain what April should do; which law Harold has violated (and how), if any; and whether ABC Corporation could be held responsible for Harold’s actions (and why or why not).